ArtOfZoo.Dog – Zoophilia Porn ZOOPHILIA STORY Maries Mom – By Comixs – Lesbian Animalsex, Beastiality, Incest

Maries Mom – By Comixs – Lesbian Animalsex, Beastiality, Incest

Zoophilia Sex Story Info:
File Name: 0282 ZooStory Maries Mom – By Comixs – Lesbian Animalsex, Beastiality, Incest
Format: pdf
Size: 102.48 KB
Total pages: 15

Description: Marie’s Mom (FF, bestiality porn, inc)
by Comixs ([email protected])


A girl wonders about her mother’s sex life and makes a
startling discovery.


For the past 2 weeks Marie had noticed when she got home
that her mother was already there and locked in her
bedroom. She could hear sounds on the other side of the
door but was unable to clearly hear what was going on and
it bothered her that Mona was keeping something from her.

The next week, when she got home from work, again she
heard her Mona in her room, and this time she noticed the
door was not locked. Quickly moving to the end of the
hallway, she turned off the hall light and returned to
the door and very quietly opened it. Since the door was
in a recessed nook she was able to get into the room
without Mona seeing her.

When she finally got up the nerve to peek around the
corner all she could see was Mona’s butt up in the air,
and there was nothing covering it. If the room hadn’t
been so dark Marie just knew she’d be able to see Mona’s
butt crack staring her in the face. Then she noticed the
sounds coming from Mona. Instantly she recognized them as
the same sounds she tried to stifle when she was
zoophilia porn storyurbating in her own room. Mona was definitely

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